Circo Udigrudi

Udigrudi is one of the oldest active circus theater groups in Brasília. It was founded in 1982, with the intention to investigate different languages of clown, experimental theater and music. The actors Marcelo Beré, Luciano Porto, Joana Abreu, Marcelo Augusto, Leo Sykes and Marcio Vieira also sing and play instruments made from recycled materials. The idea for the name of the group was thought of when three groups came together to present the show "Circo Udigrudi". In 1996, they set out on their circus adventure performing in a circus tent - juggling acts, flying trapeze, cloud walk and traditional comedies and dramas of the circus theater were part of their repertoire. The group toured throughout the country as well as in Europe. Their creativity and liveliness can be seen in their plays "Lixaranga"; Gorgônio e Rapadura"; "A menina dos olhos" (1989-1991); "O colar de contos" and "Hex Gram Histórias do velho e o mundo" (1996); "O Cano", known as their most successful play (1998); "Embarque nessa" (2001); "Ovo" (2003) and in the musical composition for children "Peter and the Wolf" from Prokofiev (2005), with the Orquestra do Teatro Nacional Claudio Santoro and the conductor Abel Rocha. In 2003, they produced "Gambira Goiaba" and toured in the State of Goiás with the cultural projects Satélite, Arte sob a lona (art in the circus tent) and Entrequadras, performing circus acts and circus plays. In the same year they participated in the Festival Mundial do Circo (Circus World Festival) in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. In 2005, partnering with the Ministry of Science and Technology, they developed the project Sons do Lixo (sounds of the trash) with trash collectors in which they taught them how to make musical instruments from the trash. From 2010 on, they toured internationally with the play "Devolução Industrial" (giving back the industrial production) and celebrated 25 years of success.

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