Dally Palacios
Dally Constanzia Palacios Allens Deccia

Buenos Ayres, Argentina, 1914 – São Paulo,1995

Artist and businesswoman. A legendary icon in the circus universe, she was respectfully known as Dona Dally. As the third generation of the Palacios family, she is the daughter of Luís Antonio Ozorio Palacios and Maria Antonniett Allens Palacios, whom both have origins in Belgium and Argentina. Her father was the owner of Circo Real Palacios. She made her debut at age five walking on the wire and during her career travelled with the circuses Fuentes Gasca and Águias Humanas where many great artists also performed. She married Oscar Raul Decia who was part of the Troupe Los Decia of trapezists with his brothers Jorge and Estêvão Deccia. Dally's brothers Luis, Nettie, Joni, Willi and her daughter Dolly were also circus artists.

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