José Araújo de Oliveira

Pernambuco, Brazil, 1923 - São Paulo, Brazil, 2012

Acrobat, scenery technician, circus instructor. His father was a craftman and Maranhão became a master for many generation of artists. He started his professional career taking care of animals in Circo Fekete, when the circus was touring in Northeast Brazil. At the time, he was always observing the technic of the international artists. Some years later he started making circus apparattus for various artists. He also taught at Circo Escola Picadeiro (1988 - 1994) and Circo Escola Trapézio, in São Paulo.  In 1945, Maranhão married Raylda Evans in Recife, where his father in law, the canadian Pet Evans, settled the Circo Star Light. Together they ran Circo Evans. While he created the costumes his wife embroided it. They had two children: Sueli, acrobat and contortionist, and Ronaldo, acrobat and trapezist. In 2009, Maranhão started working as a consultant for the Centro de Memória do Circo (Circus Memory Center) in São Paulo.

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