Verônica Tamaoki

Herculândia, São Paulo, Brazil, 1958

Juggler, cyclist, aerial artist. Verônica studied two years of Journalism at Alcântara Machado College in São Paulo. Afterwards, she joined Academia Piolin de Artes Circenses. In 1985, she and Anselmo Serrat moved to Salvador, Bahia, where they inaugurated Escola Picolino de Artes do Circo. In 1990, she moved back to São Paulo and started working in other activities related to the circus universe. She is a member of the commissions for the Secretaria Municipal de Cultura, Proac and Prêmio Governador do Estado. Since 2009, she has been the coordinator of Centro de Memória do Circo (Circus Memory Center). Verônica is the author of the books Circo Nerino and O fantasma do Circo. Her daughter, Luana Serrat, is also a circus artist living in Salvador.

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