Irmãos Brothers

The "carioca" (from Rio) trupe Irmãos Brothers of acrobatic clowns was created in 1993 by Nehemias Rezende and three artists from the Intrépida Trupe - Dalmo Cordeiro, Eduardo Andrade and Alberto Magalhães. All of them, except Eduardo Andrade (clown Dudu), met at National Circus School when it was inaugurated. The first play "Irmãos Brothers Show", directed by Jorge Fernando in 1993, was such a big success that they continued putting on the play for a whole year at Teatro Ipanema. Jorge also directed "Olimpíadas Brothers" in Canecão, and "15 anos de Irmaos Brothers (15 years of Brothers). In the following years the group produced "Cabaré Brother", "Circomania" and "Clube dos Palhaços" directed by Evandro Mesquita. In 1995, they created "Auto de Natal dos Irmãos Brothers" (Nativity play) which they still present every year at Christmas with various directors. The group toured throughout Brazil, the United States and Europe with their repertoire made up of 15 different plays including Irmãos Brothers Band. In 2010, they began working on the social project Ponto de Cultura Arte na Serra in Petropolis, Rio de Janeiro.

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