As Marias da Graça

The group of female clowns was created in 1991 in Rio de Janeiro. In 2003 they organized As Marias da Graça Associação de Mulheres Palhaças with the actresses Vera Ribeiro, Geni Viegas and Karla Koncá. Soon after, Samantha Anciães joined the group. The purpose was to express laughter in the female universe. In that year they were awarded the Global Fund for Women and the IV Concurso de Empreendimentos Exitosos Liderados por Mulheres, Rede Mulher de Educação em São Paulo.Since 2005 As Marias da Graça organized the biennual festival Esse Monte de Mulher Palhaça - Festival Internacional de Comicidade Feminina. Among their shows include "Tem areia no maiô", written by Denise Crispun and directed by Beto Brown; "Pra frente Marias", written by the group and directed by Evandro Mesquita and " O Bicho vai pegar", written by Laudi Regina Martelli, directed by Vic Militello. 

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