I Ten

Shan Dong, China, 1958

Equilibrist.  I Ten is the only artist in his family. His father was a physician who took care of his neighbour, a magician. This man invited I Ten to be his apprentice. While he was still a child, he started performing in the streets and a few years later enrolled at Escola de Artes do estado, where he studied from twelve to seventeen. Afterwards he joined the Shan Dong Acrobatic Troupe and travelled with them throughout many countries. In 1989, he left China headed to Uruguay and Brazil and settled in Rio de Janeiro. There, he met the circus businessman, Rolando Garcia, while attending a performance at Circo Mexico (owned by Joventino), that was set up near his house in Gloria. Rolando contracted him for his circus - Circo Garcia, where he partnered and performed with his siblings from 1992 until 1999. In 2004, he owned Circo Oriente, but had little success. Besides being an artist, I Ten is a Chinese-Portuguese translator at events in São Paulo.

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