Bruno Edson
Benjamin Bruno do Carmo

Itabira, Minas Gerais, 1940

Equilibrist, balancing objects artist, juggler. His parents Fausto do Carmo and Jovem de Lurdes do Carmo, both singers and violinists, embraced the idea of their son becoming an artist. When Bruno Edson was six, he and his parents moved to Franco da Rocha in São Paulo where the Circo do Graveto was being held. It was here that he saw a juggling act and envisioned himself as one of the artists. By the time Bruno Edson was in 8th grade, he was studying at a public school and he spent his afternoons in another circus named Circo do Nhô Pai. Here, he debuted in rola bola after rehearsing with the comic Tarabian who was performing rola. After two years of acting in shows in Mairiporã, Caieiras and Atibaia in São Paulo, he left his artistic life to work for the Camargo Correia company in Vila Nova Guará, São Paulo, as an apprentice to a stonemason. At this time, Circo-Teatro Revista Real - which belonged to Dedé Santana's family with partners Oscar Salinas, Rodolfo Preto, and the secretary Mário do Valle, arrived in town. Dedé was in charge of the show and his brother Dino of the circus setup. Among the circus artists included the contortionist Ondina Santana, the magicians Dossel and Estercita Fernandes (sister of the clown Dengoso), Badi, and Hildomar Pimenta who saw his  artistic potential and gave him a chance to perform in the shows. Then, from age 17 to 22  he worked for the actor Max Nunes and learned juggling and balancing objects from him. From 1962 on, he and Éulo de Almeida performed in theaters and night clubs. After some time, Bruno Edson appeared in Circo Bombril, TV Paulista (Silvio Santos), as well as Circo Garcia, Medrano, Circo do Cortiça and Pavilhão François. In 2014 he was awarded the  Prêmio Governador do Estado de São Paulo for his 50 year dedication to the circus.

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