Regina Helena Lopes

Santos, São Paulo, Brazil, 1954

Cyclist, actress. Regina studied two years of Business Administration at FAAP - Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado in São Paulo. She is the only artist to come from her family among three siblings. She became skilled in circus arts at Academia Piolin as well as the theater course Myriam Muniz. In 1980 and 1981, she participated in the show "Revista do Bexiga", directed by Antonio Abujamra at TBC - Teatro Brasileiro de Comédia and was later presented at Teatro Oficina. In 1983 and 1984, she performed bicycle acts for Circo Miami, owned by clown Xuxu. From then on, she developed a professional career in acrobatics, fire eating and clown acts in circuses and theater shows. In 1986, she created the group Circo & Cia and produced the plays  "Banda Palhaçal", "Os Aqualoucos do Circo", O Circo do seu Lé", "O Domador de férias" and "Tô índio no circo". The last three shows were coproduced with the group Furunfunfum. In 1985, 1986 and 1996, she acted as an actress and circus artist in the play "Ubu - pholias physicas, pataphysicas e musicaes", adapted and directed by Cacá Rosset with the supervision of the traditional circus artist, José Wilson Moura Leite. In 2013, Regina appeared in the documentary "É a vovozinha" on TV Brasil where she is known as the oldest female artist to perform acrobatic cycling.

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